Top Somalis in Championship - 2006-2007 show season
Best Cat
GC, BW, RW Tajhara Pollux of Front Range
Ruddy Male
Breeder: Mary Franz-Jacobe & Mike Jacobe
Owner: Kelli Griffin & Gary Shubert
5th Best Cat in region 3
2nd Best Cat
GC, RW Fairytown Dynasty of Leo Star
Ruddy Male
Breeder: Nobuko Yamamoto
Owner: Shigeru Ishikawa
15th Best Cat in region 8
3rd Best Cat
GC, RW Sunfox Wild Blue Huckleberry
Blue Male
Breeder: Lee Dowding & Arlene Armandi - Lessee
Owner: Lee Dowding
12th Best Cat in region 5
4th Best Cat
GC, RW Gray Castle Miracle Max
Ruddy Male
Breeder/Owner: Mark & Karen Rowe
7th Best Kitten in Region 2
20th Best Cat in Region 2
Best Cat in Agility in Region 2
5th Best Cat
GC, RW Yum Anxi
Blue Male
Breeder/Owner: Sarah E. Bixler
20th Best Cat in Region 5
6th Best Cat
GC, DW Northerntail Dreamer of Foxhouse
Red Male
Breeder: Tomoko Kitao & Kazuko Kurokawa
Owner: Wong Chi Wai & Tomoko Kitao & Kazuko Kurokawa
13th Best Cat in Int'l Division - Asia
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